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Students will be placed on academic probation for one semester if:
During the semester the student is on academic probation they must meet with their Academic/College Success Advisor to discuss their progress and to register for classes. High school students must meet with a High School Partnerships Specialist or Director to discuss their progress prior to registering for classes.
The student will remain on academic probation until both their term GPA and cumulative GPA are 2.00 or higher. As a reminder, students must have a minimum 2.00 program GPA in order to be eligible to graduate from their program of study.
Academic probation guidelines have been established according to Hawkeye's policy.
Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress.
Students receiving Veterans Education Benefits, please see Academic Progress Standards for Students Receiving Veterans Education Benefits.
Hawkeye Center 106 319-296-4015
Hawkeye Center 106 319-296-4015 Email Academic Affairs